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BCLV Members

Many of us had been playing bocce for years with family members and friends in backyards, parks, and clubs.  Where ever you played you will agree that bocce is a great way to bring families closer together, meet new people and have fun.


The Bocce Club of Las Vegas was established in 2012. The Co-founders James Cloud, Roxann Del Vecchio, and Jack Zunino played bocce on another league in Las Vegas for many years until they decided to break away and form their own bocce league.


In January 2012, Roxann, James and Jack began forming the new league.  Our first order of business was to establish our name – Between the three of us we came up with 15 different names.  We finally decided on “Bocce Club of Las Vegas."


Once the word got out of our new league, Roxann began getting phone calls and emails from people in the community wanting to join.  Many of the players were longtime friends from the other league.  Who would have thought we would have 70 members by the end of February.   WOW!  70 members our first time out, it was better than any of us had expected.


We organized our first league play in March 2012.   And, as they say, the rest is history.

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